In 2024, I had the pleasure of animating Krokant's beloved mascot, a renowned potato chip and shoestring fry company established in 1996. Krokant's is dedicated to adding more excitement and texture to everyday meals. What better way to embody this spirit than by bringing the charming Krokantucho to life with lively and entertaining animations?
Developed at Studiobah
Creative Director: Felipe B. Amaral
Strategy Director: Natália Athayde Porto
Account Manager: Cesar Fujita
Project Manager: Bianca Groff
Strategy Team: Ana Beatriz Nunes, Maria Eduarda Gandara
Verbal Universe: Maria Eduarda Gandara
Design Team: Camila Sanzi, Ricardo Franco, Lucas Nishimura, Ana Beatriz Nunes, Laura Salvaterra
Logotype Refinement: Sauê Ferlauto
Illustration: Laura Salvaterra, Thomas Becke
Motion: Thomas Becke
Video: Lucas Nishimura
Photography: Duda Bussolin (Moropolo Studio)
Retouch: Patrícia Thiesen
3D: Felipe Pavani
Case Study Presentation: Ricardo Franco, Lucas Nishimura
Strategy Director: Natália Athayde Porto
Account Manager: Cesar Fujita
Project Manager: Bianca Groff
Strategy Team: Ana Beatriz Nunes, Maria Eduarda Gandara
Verbal Universe: Maria Eduarda Gandara
Design Team: Camila Sanzi, Ricardo Franco, Lucas Nishimura, Ana Beatriz Nunes, Laura Salvaterra
Logotype Refinement: Sauê Ferlauto
Illustration: Laura Salvaterra, Thomas Becke
Motion: Thomas Becke
Video: Lucas Nishimura
Photography: Duda Bussolin (Moropolo Studio)
Retouch: Patrícia Thiesen
3D: Felipe Pavani
Case Study Presentation: Ricardo Franco, Lucas Nishimura